• Room Size


  • Bed Rooms


  • Persons

    02+02 Kid

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Our rooms will make you feel the comfort of your home, we know how important your rest, comfort and safety are when you spend the night.
El personal encargado siempre se encontrara listo para brindarle un servicio y atención a todas sus necesidades

Find out more about us

Room facilities

* Terms and conditions according to the rules and regulations of the government law.

Comida rapida apartir de las 5 pm hasta las 11pm ( Don Gaspar) contamos cancha sintetica,  Miniclub cuidado de pequeños desde los 8 meses hasta los 9 años desde las 8:30 – 5 pm) costo adicional. Wifi, cochera las 24 horas con seguridad

Regular plan

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
$88.0 $88.0 $88.0 $88.0 $88.0 $88.0 $88.0

30 de November de -0001 to 30 de November de -0001

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
$100.0 $110.0 $100.0 $110.0 $100.0 $100.0 $100.0

We are Residential

We have a great team for each of our services you can see the quality of care, that is why you do not miss our news and updates

Recreational activity


The best way to get to know, share and clear your mind is by doing activities such as sports and group games for family time

Safety and Comfort


We have a highly qualified staff with the experience to provide you with the best possible service.